So. I've been talking about mechanical nookie for a long time. This is the first time I have traveled from idea to book in a public way. And I am really really glad it got picked up by Samhain Publishing.
My fabulous editor took on my little novella even though both of us were a bit unsure how to sell it to the market. A romance at heart, Coral-600 tells a sexy story from the point of view of a robot.
Without further ado...
Meet the Coral-600. #Robosex will be coming your way February 24th, 2015.
So what do you think? Killer cover, right? Kanaxa and the cover art team at Samhain Publishing are FANTASTIC.
Look for sneak peeks and links for buying this robotic beauty on this blog. I will also be updating details over at and on my FB and Twitter pages as soon as they become available.
Pet the screen with me. *pets*
Monday, November 3, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
My Job vs. My Career
I've seen some of my friends and some of my co-workers a bit discouraged lately. I thought I'd share how I changed my outlook by simply changing the labels I put on myself.
I have a writing "career". I have a "job" working in retail hell. Those two terms help me separate them in my brain. Let me explain how this keeps me mildly sane.

I am the type of person who firmly believes that we have a path we are destined to follow. I feel like I'm on that path when I'm writing. Don't get me wrong. I don't think I will ever feel like I'm an old pro at this writing gig. There are always changing trends, changing sales practices, and if anyone tells you they know exactly where the technology associated with the ebook revolution is going...well I will call them a liar to their face.
We are all trying to keep up as the publishing world changes and grows. I've been reading ebooks since 2009, and I know I was nowhere near being a part of the the initial wave of ereaders. Even in these past five years, I have seen so much change in the publishing world. I can't imagine where we will be in a decade. I'm just fastening my seatbelt and grabbing some popcorn as I go along for the ride.
I have only been a published author for a year, but I know in my heart that this is my career. This is my path. Unfortunately my mortgage company could give a rat's ass that my job that pays me money isn't where my heart is. And really, if I'm honest, even my heart wants WiFi.

I was going a little nuts and losing heart, but then I decided I'm done labeling myself as a peon. I am a published author. No one can take that away from me. And next year I get to touch a real paper book with my name on it.
This is my career. This is how I define myself. I changed my social media to reflect that I'm an author. It felt awesome. It might not pay the bills yet, but that's what my job is for.
Whenever someone looks down their nose at me, I remind myself I am just doing a job. I am doing a job that lets me embrace my career.
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If you work in Retail, you appreciate Retail Robin as much as I do. |
Sometimes it gets to me. I'm not going to lie. BUT...I'm working towards a career that I have already taken the first steps towards.
This career is a roller coaster. The highs of a great review are definitely punctuated with the lows of the Library Journal hating your book. You'll get a reader contacting you and asking for more and the same day you'll find out that there is a twitter account dedicated to your undoing.
Roller coaster or not, I plan on pulling the safety bar across my lap and asking for another ride. Because this is my career. Maybe someday I'll be able to write those pesky mortgage checks from book sales. Maybe I'll be able to do more than that. Who knows.
Right now...I'm working towards the career I want. Right now I'm putting words on paper, because right now is pretty darn amazing.
I have a career as a published author. My's call that research.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
IT'S MY BIRTHDAYS! (Yes, that's meant to be plural)
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My hubby. My heart. My support. |
I am posting some random memories from my journey on here. Look at the pretty pictures while I get sentimental.
Let me tell you a story...
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My editing t-shirt. |
Following the story arc had me salivating to put my own spin on it. My VERY patient teacher (Thank you Mrs. Hinkleman) put up with me turning in chapters of my own middle grade book.
This was before kids turned in projects from computers. I had to write it out longhand. I remember turning in dozens and dozens of pages. The story rambled, and probably made sense to no one but me. I loved every hand cramp I got.
I got distracted in high school by what I was supposed to do. By sophomore year I was expected to start thinking about college. At the age of sixteen, I decided that I needed to be responsible and pick a major based on marketability of skills, and I knew darn well that English majors tended to end up teaching.
I should never teach. Trust me. I did the world a favor.
Aside from a few poems and random journaling, I left writing behind. I graduated, got married, and bought a home. I had bills to pay, and had to be responsible.
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My Sexy, Spicy, Fun Roxy button. If you ever want one, just send me an email. I'll drop one in the USPS. |
About five years ago, I was broke. (Student loans are scary things.) And I went to the library, because I didn't have money to do anything else. It was the best thing I ever did. I rediscovered my love for genre fiction.
I read EVERYTHING. And then I found the kindle. *angels singing*
After the kindle, came Goodreads and the wonderful women (and a few brave men) of Kindle Smut. The words "This is the dirtiest book I've ever read" were uttered, and I never looked back.
Erotic romance invaded my life, and I found my home.
The next few years were a happy blur of kindred spirits, book conferences, and writing hand itching again.
October 1st 2013 was my birthday. I turned 33, and although I couldn't pay any bills with this new gig, I was never prouder of myself than getting to say the words, "I'm a published author."
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My very first book published at Samhain |
I still can't pay my bills yet, but I'm doing something I love, and something tells me I've started the journey of my heart. I'm where I'm supposed to be.
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Meeting Lexi Blake for the second time. I'm pretty sure I actually formed words. |
I would write "The End" to finish up this story, but my story's not over yet. I'm just beginning, and to celebrate the joy I feel as I head out into this strange and wonderful world, I wanted to give something back.
So your reward for listening to me be sentimental and cheesy on my birthday is a chance to win a $25 eGift Card (Samhain, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble).
Just comment below. What is your dream? Are you following it? Tell me what you're doing for your soul, tell me something happy, or tell me Happy Birthday. I'm easy today. (Just don't tell my hubby)
This giveaway will be open for comments until Oct 13th at midnight EST. I can't wait to talk happy things with all of you.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Hottest Hero...Play-at-Home Edition (Final Round) Hottest Excerpt!

I had too much fun going through these prompts from ARe not to share them.
Thanks for visiting over these last few weeks and thank you for supporting some truly wonderful authors by voting for your favorites.
So who do you think is going to win? I know I can't wait to see who has you all the hottest under the collar. ;p
This last round is an excerpt from the hero's story and his introduction of what you're about to read. I wanted something steamy this round. So without further ado...Craig is going to tell you what you get to read.
Craig: It took far too long for me to accept what I needed from
Mary. We danced around each other, until we couldn’t stay apart any longer. I
shouldn’t have been surprised at the beauty of Mary giving herself to me, but
as it happened, it took my breath away. Hers too.
Instead of letting me tuck my tail between my legs and get
away, he circled me. Even though the fire was not close enough to hurt me, I
swore it was flames that licked my body wherever his eyes caressed me. I felt
the pull of him as he strode within inches of me. His breath was warm on my
face, and my traitorous nipples perked and tried to close the gap.
“Mary, there’s no need to lie about what you want. You’re
hot for me. Your body wants mine. I can smell your desire.” And I could see
his. That cocky grin sucked. When did he take control back? Craig might not be
a vampire, but he’d dazzled me. There was no escape. Did I really want one? “I
love that you’re already wet for me.”
“I made up my mind, Mary. No. Screw that. You made it up for
me. I don’t doubt you can handle yourself. I just want the chance to handle you
quite a bit in the process,” He stalked around me in long lazy steps. His
fingers drew a pattern of heat as he reached out to touch me. “I want you. I’ll
try and be gentle, but you know I’m not a refined guy.”
“I can’t believe I’m talking with a werewolf who’s trying to
seduce me.” The red grew and I had to look to find the trees, through the
billowing aura. I didn’t want to look though. The outside world had been so
harsh and I was relieved to see it fade away.
Bending over, Craig reached for something, but his golden
eyes stayed on me. “You know that’s our problem, Mary.” When he stood back up
to full height he had that damn book in his hand. “We’ve spent all this time
talking. These books you read tortured me.”
“They weren’t that bad.” Okay, I’m pretty sure I knew what
he meant, but I wasn’t going to take that step until he did. Call me a wuss, or
old-fashioned, but I wanted him to make that move. My nails dug into my jeans
and gripped the seam. No way was I going to let my nails dig in where they
really wanted. Yet.
“Mary, shut up.” And then his lips were on mine. The stolen
kiss in Kari’s house was nothing compared to this. There weren’t people in the
next room. Our small tent, with one small sleeping bag, was just behind us. The
two lovers I drew on that paper paled in comparison to this. My drawing and the
reality blended together when I opened my eyelids. Red billowing aura pulsed
and bled from Craig. I leaned my head back to watch the cloud of sex explode
upwards. I couldn’t take my eyes off the dance of crimson in the air, until
Craig licked my neck. My eyes crossed before rolling back into my head.
His tongue made my skin sizzle. His hands gripped my ass and
pulled me tight against him. My hands wouldn’t stay at my sides any longer. I
felt his abs, his chest, and swept my fingers up to tangle in that gorgeous
blond hair. My hands tensed and scored his scalp, the strands were so soft and
thick between my fingers. My breath pushed my breasts closer to him. When that
tongue dipped into my cleavage, there wasn’t a part of me that didn’t beg for
his hands.
“Mary, if you are going to tell me no, do it now. But I
don’t want to stop.”
“I don’t want to stop either. But…” It took everything I had
to push him away. I was taking a meal from a starving man. He took deep breaths
and flexed his hands. His jaw ticked. He thought I was going to stop—until I
lifted my shirt over my head, and pushed down my jeans.
I stood there in my little t-shirt bra and white cotton
panties. It was getting dark, and the bright white of my underwear glowed in
the moon and firelight.
“I was wearing too many clothes.”
*passes cool water*
Just kidding. We all know it gets way hotter than that.
Good luck to the finalists, and thanks again for reading my Play-at-Home edition.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Hottest Hero...Play-at-Home Edition (Round 4) What Makes a Man Strong?
Are you getting excited to find out who the hottest hero is over at All Romance Ebooks?
Even though Craig didn't win, he's still playing along with those left standing.
This week the ARe crew asked the heroes to tell them "What makes a man strong?"
As a Beta wolf, Craig's strength comes not from leadership, but an inner strength. When I asked him what makes a man strong, this is what he told me.
"What makes a man strong? It sure as shit isn’t hiding from
your emotions. I learned that the hard way.
Strength comes from letting
yourself admit you need others. Over the past few weeks, I’ve learned that I
need to allow myself to rely on people, and to support them when they need me
I might have taken my sweet ass time getting around to that conclusion,
but let me save you the trouble. Strength comes in numbers, and a strong man
supports his Clan, fights for what’s right, and loves his woman with every damn
bit of himself.
To truly trust someone, to truly love someone…that proves your
strength." - Craig
Craig wasn't the only one avoiding his destiny. His mate was pretty overwhelmed with the whole ordeal too. It's not easy going from believing vampires and werewolves are make-believe to having your bestie gnaw on your arm.
If you want to see how they both came to realize they needed to stop hiding, check out their story in Love's a Witch.
Available now at: AMAZON
Did you ever run screaming from love because you weren't ready? Tell me about it. I might have taken my sweet time with hubby too. He didn't pick up on subtlety when we first met. ;p
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Hottest Hero...Play-at-Home Edition (Round 3) Dining with Hybrids
The Hottest Hero Contest is still going on over at All Romance Ebooks. Which hero are you rooting for? Did your favorite make the cut?
I'm super glad I didn't have to battle it out among some of my favorite authors. That would have been awkward. ;p
This is the next installment of the Play-at-Home edition, and in this round Craig is inviting you to dinner! (kind of)
Below is the menu he prepared and a personalized invitation, just for you! (play along here, okay?)
At the end is a ceasar dressing recipe that hubby and I loved making together. Using great romaine lettuce sprinkled with lemon juice and this dressing makes for a FANTASTIC salad. I don't use the raw egg element, because I'm paranoid. So this is how we do it in the Mews house.
Round 3
"It’s not easy being on the run, but unlike my Hybrid Alpha,
I need more than a bite to survive. Want to eat with me?" - Craig
*Appetizer: Garlic Bread (Garlic doesn’t really do anything
against vampires, but it’s a nice sentiment)
*Salad: Fresh Caesar (More Garlic. Don’t worry, as long as
people eat with you, the garlic cancels out.)
*Main Course: Stone soup. Just don’t ask what the meat is. I
hunted it, and I wasn’t next to a farm.
*Dessert: Tim Tams. My Alpha says they are the best cookies
ever. You can have them. I want a taste of something a bit more magical after
Caesar Dressing
2 cloves garlic (or 2 tsp pre-chopped)
¼ cup vegetable oil
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
¼ tsp dry mustard
½ tsp salt
2 Tbsp lemon juice
Process garlic, oil, parmesan, Worcestershire sauce, mustard
and salt in a blender for 15 seconds. Add lemon juice, process until smooth.
One guess what "magical thing" Craig wants to nibble on. *waggles brows* His mate wants to take a taste too...
If you want to know why he's got the urge to take a big bite out of his mate, just check out all the struggle it was to claim her in his story...Love's a Witch.
Do you have a favorite recipe that you love making with your significant other? OR something you nosh on that brings back a loving memory?
I'm always looking for a good recipe. Or something that goes well with bacon. ;p
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Hottest Hero...the Play-at-Home Edition! (Round 2)
First, I again want to say thank you so so so so (you get the idea...I'd give you all inappropriately long hugs) much for voting for Craig in the Hottest Hero Contest. He's a beta at heart and really doesn't go for the spotlight anyway.
But since he prepped all kinds of goodies for the ARe contest I thought you'd like to see how he responded to the call for the prompts.
So in Round 2 we get to read about our hero's first kiss with his heroine (or hero).
Craig and Mary had a very non-traditional first kiss. Let's call it a first lick.
Love's a Witch Excerpt
Thoughts of sharing a room with Mary started to trickle into
my brain, and in the next instant there she was standing in front of me. Blue
diamond eyes looked up into mine. It was like I’d called her.
“Are you coming?” She
had no idea how the buzz she had going made her words sound. The question
should have been innocent enough. It was her breathlessness at hurrying into
the room, and the way her pupils dilated that had very un-innocent thoughts
banging around in my brain.
I couldn’t help the growl. “Not yet.”
She stepped back, shook herself off a bit, and then started
backing into the doorway. “Oh…well…um…don’t blame me if Amber eats your food.
She’s been eating a lot. Even for her. And…well…your choice. Ow!”
She tripped and fell on her butt, a ripple bouncing through
her frame. How was a guy not supposed to think of her breasts bouncing for
other, much more fun, reasons? I grabbed her hand to help her up.

“Save me a plate, Mary. I’ll be in there in a minute.”
“Uh huh.” Making women breathless was fun. Making Mary
breathless was dangerous.
This was something more than playful. Before my brain could
process anything else, something on her neck really caught my attention. Right
where her collarbone met the veins tracing delicately along the column of her
throat I could see her pulse. I tilted my head to get a better look. She
squirmed against me. She was getting wetter being held. So little Mary had some
submissive tendencies. Interesting.
I couldn’t stop staring at that spot. What was that? I hated
mysteries. Investigation was necessary. My wolf suddenly grabbed the reigns and
he pushed my tongue from my mouth. I started laving Mary’s neck. She stiffened,
but immediately softened with a moan. Her scent surrounded me and gave my wolf
even more hold. I was drunk on her, and let my wolf hold my body up.
Then my teeth lengthened. A bone jarring feeling that hit me
when I scraped them against her supple skin. It was the only thing that made me
take the control back. Cold washed over me as my wolf’s intentions became all
too obvious to my human brain.
He wanted more than sex from this woman. My wolf wanted Mary
as his mate. She was mine. This was exactly what I had been trying to avoid.
She couldn’t be mine. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.
Mary was still in my arms. She arched her back. The softness
of her belly pressed against an erection that had a mind of its own. My wolf
grabbed hold of my lust and pushed through. She smelled so good. I needed just
one more taste. Just a little one.
Currently available at : ALL ROMANCE
So there you have the first time Craig's tongue met Mary's neck. It's one of my favorite scenes in the book.

Don't forget to get your votes in over at ARe! I'm making sure to support the wonderful authors who keep me in great stories. And thank you all again for the nomination, and the votes. It really was an honor to be up on the page with so many people I respect so highly.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Hart Clan Hybrids Book Three...Coming 2015
I know I have been talking about Shelly for a long time. My Hart Clan Hybrids stories started with Amber Paulson, who I thought would take over the entire plot.
Then Shelly Meyers came on the scene, and I was fascinated with her. Shelly was a vampire who didn't really give a flying rat's ass about anyone but her little brother Jake.
She enjoyed things that felt good and gave the middle finger to anything that didn't fit into that category. (At least that's what she was like in my mind.)
Every time Buckcherry's "Crazy Bitch" came on I thought about Shelly. If you want to dance around your living room with me, here's the video.
Well, after fighting with her for a long time she finally let me write her story.
I can officially say I have signed the paperwork for Shelly's story to be told at Samhain Publishing. You will all get inside her miasma-filled brain near the end of 2015. Keep your eyes out for Three's a Clan.
I know it feels like a long way off, but I have lots of other goodies coming your way while you wait.
First... Coral-600 is already under construction for release in early 2015, and will make you want a robot of your very own.
Second... The folks of Lust With a Laugh are all working on a special project. So keep your eyes open for future announcements on that. (I know. I'm a tease.)
Third...In 2015, Love's a Witch is coming out in PRINT! I will let you know as soon as pre-order links go live. I am super excited to have my name on paper.
Are you excited? I am. And a bit apprehensive, because that's a LOT going on.
But that's tomorrow. Today, I have a cup of coffee, music, and a story on my computer that is making me smile.
Then Shelly Meyers came on the scene, and I was fascinated with her. Shelly was a vampire who didn't really give a flying rat's ass about anyone but her little brother Jake.
She enjoyed things that felt good and gave the middle finger to anything that didn't fit into that category. (At least that's what she was like in my mind.)
Every time Buckcherry's "Crazy Bitch" came on I thought about Shelly. If you want to dance around your living room with me, here's the video.
Well, after fighting with her for a long time she finally let me write her story.
I can officially say I have signed the paperwork for Shelly's story to be told at Samhain Publishing. You will all get inside her miasma-filled brain near the end of 2015. Keep your eyes out for Three's a Clan.
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Three's a Clan: Hart Clan Hybrids 3 Coming to Samhain Publishing in 2015 |
I know it feels like a long way off, but I have lots of other goodies coming your way while you wait.
First... Coral-600 is already under construction for release in early 2015, and will make you want a robot of your very own.
Second... The folks of Lust With a Laugh are all working on a special project. So keep your eyes open for future announcements on that. (I know. I'm a tease.)
Third...In 2015, Love's a Witch is coming out in PRINT! I will let you know as soon as pre-order links go live. I am super excited to have my name on paper.
Are you excited? I am. And a bit apprehensive, because that's a LOT going on.
But that's tomorrow. Today, I have a cup of coffee, music, and a story on my computer that is making me smile.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Love's a Witch : It's ALIVE!
Today is release day!
Mary and Craig are finally getting it on for your reading pleasure. These two might not be as overwhelming as Amber was, but they sure are stubborn.
I will be running around the internet today. Tweeting, playing on Facebook, and causing declarations of shenanigans wherever possible.
If you haven't read my books before make sure you start out with A Love Worth Biting For.
If Amber has already blazed across your e-reader, check out your favorite ebook retail outlet below and meet the newest members of the Hart Clan.
Barnes & Noble
Samhain Publishing
If you have any questions or comments about the series, comment below. I'd love to hear what you think of my newest book.
For now...Here's a little excerpt to wet your appetite.
Love's a Witch (June 2014)
Mary and Craig are finally getting it on for your reading pleasure. These two might not be as overwhelming as Amber was, but they sure are stubborn.
I will be running around the internet today. Tweeting, playing on Facebook, and causing declarations of shenanigans wherever possible.
The amazing Kanaxa made a kickass cover for this book. Mary and Craig aren't loud, but when they fight back they aren't shy about destroying anyone who stands in their way. They have a strength that radiates and only Mary can see the lovely mating aura that surrounds them. It's all captured beautifully on this cover.
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Hold her tight, Craig. |
If you haven't read my books before make sure you start out with A Love Worth Biting For.
If Amber has already blazed across your e-reader, check out your favorite ebook retail outlet below and meet the newest members of the Hart Clan.
Barnes & Noble
Samhain Publishing
If you have any questions or comments about the series, comment below. I'd love to hear what you think of my newest book.
For now...Here's a little excerpt to wet your appetite.
Love's a Witch (June 2014)
Thoughts of sharing a room with Mary started to trickle into
my brain, and in the next instant there she was standing in front of me. Blue
diamond eyes looked up into mine. It was like I’d called her.
“Are you coming?” She
had no idea how the buzz she had going made her words sound. The question
should have been innocent enough. It was her breathlessness at hurrying into
the room, and the way her pupils dilated that had very un-innocent thoughts
banging around in my brain.
I couldn’t help the growl. “Not yet.”
She stepped back, shook herself off a bit, and then started
backing into the doorway. “Oh…well…um…don’t blame me if Amber eats your food.
She’s been eating a lot. Even for her. And…well…your choice. Ow!”
She tripped and fell on her butt, a ripple bouncing through
her frame. How was a guy not supposed to think of her breasts bouncing for
other, much more fun, reasons? I grabbed her hand to help her up. Lacking some
of my famous self-control, I pulled a little hard. A squeak from her and she
crashed into me. Her soft curves felt amazing pressed against my body. A deep
breath and I knew I wasn’t the only one affected. She was getting wet just
being close to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a bad looking guy. I was used to
having women respond to me, but this was different. Hers was a scent I couldn’t
ignore, and it caused my wolf to fight harder.
“Save me a plate, Mary. I’ll be in there in a minute.”
“Uh huh.” Making women breathless was fun. Making Mary
breathless was dangerous.
This was something more than playful. Before my brain could
process anything else, something on her neck really caught my attention. Right
where her collarbone met the veins tracing delicately along the column of her
throat I could see her pulse. I tilted my head to get a better look. She
squirmed against me. She was getting wetter being held. So little Mary had some
submissive tendencies. Interesting.
I couldn’t stop staring at that spot. What was that? I hated
mysteries. Investigation was necessary. My wolf suddenly grabbed the reigns and
he pushed my tongue from my mouth. I started laving Mary’s neck. She stiffened,
but immediately softened with a moan. Her scent surrounded me and gave my wolf
even more hold. I was drunk on her, and let my wolf hold my body up.
Then my teeth lengthened. A bone jarring feeling that hit me
when I scraped them against her supple skin. It was the only thing that made me
take the control back. Cold washed over me as my wolf’s intentions became all
too obvious to my human brain.
He wanted more than sex from this woman. My wolf wanted Mary
as his mate. She was mine. This was exactly what I had been trying to avoid.
She couldn’t be mine. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.
Mary was still in my arms. She arched her back. The softness
of her belly pressed against an erection that had a mind of its own. My wolf
grabbed hold of my lust and pushed through. She smelled so good. I needed just
one more taste. Just a little one.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Random updates and lying to my health coach...
I have been a lucky sucker in this whole publishing business. I have met, both online and in person, the most amazing people.
My next book Love's a Witch is in line on the Samhain Publishing website getting ready to be unleashed on the world. (It's only $3.85 right now if you pre-order in the Samhain Store. Ya case you wanted to order it. *subtly drops hint*)
I am working on blog posts and promo ideas for that book, but what I am really working on is my 2015 release schedule.
Book three in the Hart Clan Hybrids series is still on my computer, because Shelly is giving me a hard time. Imagine that, right?
So I distracted myself with some robosex. If you follow me on twitter (@RoxyMews) you have heard me babbling about this for awhile. I hope to have some official announcements regarding that project soon.
I can't use con recovery as an excuse anymore. That's only good for a week max. So I needed another excuse to not do what I am supposed to. Sooo...I got a kitten!
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Enjoy the incredible cuteness |
I have also been trying to lose weight, and overall be a healthier person. Writing tends to involve a lot of sitting in front of a computer and a diet consisting of coffee and chocolate. I packed on a few. So I am trying to eat better, get some exercise, you know...all the unfun things.
I signed up for a health coach to hold me accountable. The only problem with this is...I totally lie to him.
But I feel really bad about it! That counts for something, right? It makes me eat better and work out the couple days before he calls. And my clothes totally weigh the extra five pounds I deduct from my weight. *watches out for lightning*
So in summary...I can't announce anything official, other than the fact that I have acquired a kitten.
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Distracting you with kitten pictures! |
SAMHAIN PUBLISHING **best price at the moment**
And just a little tease...because you get to hear a male voice in this upcoming book. I can't wait for you all to get inside Craig's head.
NOW...I need to get back to wrangling Shelly. If I don't get her under control soon, I think my editor may reach through my computer and smack me.
Let me know what you are hoping to hear about in the trilogy. Because after the end of June...I wrap up writing it!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
The Romantic Times Booklover's Convention (#RT14) is just a week away!
Some people are reading every post they can find about RT, and some are so sick of it all that they are running screaming from social media.
Me? I am in a very real panic of how to get everything done that I want to. I am trying to tidy up the story line of my Hart Clan Hybrids book #3. Seriously, Shelly is being difficult. It's not my fault.
I am also trying to figure out what to pack, and where my luggage is. I don't travel all that much (read at all) so I always get a bit nervous around this time.
I will be traveling with Samara Blu. She's a new author, and she is in charge of fun. We are both on the RT Guidebook app so feel free to find and connect with us. We are always looking for fun places to visit and people to meet.
Below are the events I will be participating in. I am linking to the RT convention site, so if you somehow are missing out on this fabulousness, you can add it to your schedule pronto.
Tuesday May 13th
Cinema Craptastique - I will be playing along from home, so you will have to see me online. My flight leaves at 6am on Wednesday. I will be hopped up and tweeting as @RoxyMews along with the movie using the hashtag #RTCC. Make sure your twitter app is up and running, or if you aren't attending the con, this is a great way to play from home. There is also a Facebook event set up for this, so check out all the details HERE.
Wednesday May 14th
Mardi Gras World Carnivale - I am going to be a "float walker" at this event. I am going to have on a sash identifying me as a Samhain Publishing Author and from what I have heard, I will have beads to fling at all of you. Make sure you stop by, because according to the schedule I have been given it is going to be an AMAZING party.
Thursday May 15th
Samhain Saints and Sinners Party - This event is going to be an absolute blast. I am going to be with Jodi Redford representing our group blog Lust With a Laugh.
Even Mary Hughes will be sending some goodies for everyone who ventures over to the Sinner side of the party space to sit at our table.
I'm bringing buttons and magnets and some more beads, because we all need some beads to wear around New Orleans.
I will be adding a few more events that I am attending for fun, but since Samara is in charge of fun, who knows where the night will take us?
To find me, just look for my swag bag with my book covers on it (see below and pet your computer screen if so inclined). My purple hair will probably also let you find me fairly easily. And before you ask, yes, it's my natural color. ;p
Come up and say hello. I'd love to chat with everyone I can. Can't wait to meet all of you!
Some people are reading every post they can find about RT, and some are so sick of it all that they are running screaming from social media.
Me? I am in a very real panic of how to get everything done that I want to. I am trying to tidy up the story line of my Hart Clan Hybrids book #3. Seriously, Shelly is being difficult. It's not my fault.
I am also trying to figure out what to pack, and where my luggage is. I don't travel all that much (read at all) so I always get a bit nervous around this time.
I will be traveling with Samara Blu. She's a new author, and she is in charge of fun. We are both on the RT Guidebook app so feel free to find and connect with us. We are always looking for fun places to visit and people to meet.
Below are the events I will be participating in. I am linking to the RT convention site, so if you somehow are missing out on this fabulousness, you can add it to your schedule pronto.
Tuesday May 13th
Cinema Craptastique - I will be playing along from home, so you will have to see me online. My flight leaves at 6am on Wednesday. I will be hopped up and tweeting as @RoxyMews along with the movie using the hashtag #RTCC. Make sure your twitter app is up and running, or if you aren't attending the con, this is a great way to play from home. There is also a Facebook event set up for this, so check out all the details HERE.
Wednesday May 14th
Mardi Gras World Carnivale - I am going to be a "float walker" at this event. I am going to have on a sash identifying me as a Samhain Publishing Author and from what I have heard, I will have beads to fling at all of you. Make sure you stop by, because according to the schedule I have been given it is going to be an AMAZING party.
Thursday May 15th
Samhain Saints and Sinners Party - This event is going to be an absolute blast. I am going to be with Jodi Redford representing our group blog Lust With a Laugh.
Even Mary Hughes will be sending some goodies for everyone who ventures over to the Sinner side of the party space to sit at our table.
I'm bringing buttons and magnets and some more beads, because we all need some beads to wear around New Orleans.
I will be adding a few more events that I am attending for fun, but since Samara is in charge of fun, who knows where the night will take us?
To find me, just look for my swag bag with my book covers on it (see below and pet your computer screen if so inclined). My purple hair will probably also let you find me fairly easily. And before you ask, yes, it's my natural color. ;p
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A Love Worth Biting For (Out NOW) |
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Love's a Witch (June 2014) |
Come up and say hello. I'd love to chat with everyone I can. Can't wait to meet all of you!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Camp NaNoWriMo...Because I Have To!
I keep telling myself that this year I will be organized. This year will be the one where I figure out what I am doing with my career and plan ahead.
I even make New Year's resolutions. I will be on schedule this year.
It all begins well. I start burning the midnight oil. I am writing wherever I can. I have a whole list of projects. Then I realize that I don't have a clean pair of pants. If I want a clean spoon to eat my cereal, I need to go on an excavation to the bottomless depths of my sink. Even if I find a spoon, I would have to eat cereal out of a coffee mug because there are no clean bowls either. But that means I would have to chose between cereal and coffee, and let's be honest...there is NO competition there.
It is at this point that I realize I need to clean something. So I head to the store to buy a hazmat suit. I get a killer idea about how much more fun cleaning would be if the hazmat suits smelled like chocolate and gave massages. So I should write that down, because I could use it in a story some time...maybe...oooohhh look. I have a notification on Facebook! I didn't know that show was back on. Wow, I am really behind. Some one might be talking about spoilers. I better watch those fast.
Then all of sudden it is APRIL?!?! RT is about a month away. I have things to buy/do/prep/freak out about. And it is time for the one...the only...
If you want to keep track of me, check out my flailings at the NaNo website HERE. Or follow me on Twitter where I will undoubtedly be posting some of my hallucinations from lack of sleep.
I even make New Year's resolutions. I will be on schedule this year.
It all begins well. I start burning the midnight oil. I am writing wherever I can. I have a whole list of projects. Then I realize that I don't have a clean pair of pants. If I want a clean spoon to eat my cereal, I need to go on an excavation to the bottomless depths of my sink. Even if I find a spoon, I would have to eat cereal out of a coffee mug because there are no clean bowls either. But that means I would have to chose between cereal and coffee, and let's be honest...there is NO competition there.
It is at this point that I realize I need to clean something. So I head to the store to buy a hazmat suit. I get a killer idea about how much more fun cleaning would be if the hazmat suits smelled like chocolate and gave massages. So I should write that down, because I could use it in a story some time...maybe...oooohhh look. I have a notification on Facebook! I didn't know that show was back on. Wow, I am really behind. Some one might be talking about spoilers. I better watch those fast.
Then all of sudden it is APRIL?!?! RT is about a month away. I have things to buy/do/prep/freak out about. And it is time for the one...the only...
So I am doing it. I am getting back on track. I am finishing edits, prepping for RT, and writing about robosex!
I can do it. Right?
If you want to keep track of me, check out my flailings at the NaNo website HERE. Or follow me on Twitter where I will undoubtedly be posting some of my hallucinations from lack of sleep.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Pre-Order is LIVE!
I must admit that I have been poking around at Amazon and Kobo for a bit to see if the pre-order links for Love's a Witch had gone live yet. I don't bother with Barnes & Noble, because I know that they usually run a bit behind the other two.
Even though I was expecting it, I still let loose a little squeal when I saw my book up there.
Now as I am sending out review copies, I am getting the nausea that comes with sending a book out into the world. This one is very different from the first, and I am terrified, but in the best way.
I am off to update my website next.
This is when the whole author-thing gets real. I am off to celebrate...or chew my nails...either way. Check out the links below.
Even though I was expecting it, I still let loose a little squeal when I saw my book up there.
Now as I am sending out review copies, I am getting the nausea that comes with sending a book out into the world. This one is very different from the first, and I am terrified, but in the best way.
I am off to update my website next.
This is when the whole author-thing gets real. I am off to celebrate...or chew my nails...either way. Check out the links below.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Cover Reveal: "Love's A Witch"
It is after midnight and well past my bedtime. *nods off at the keyboard*
I sent in my final notes and to celebrate I wanted to show off the cover for the next installment of the Hart Clan Hybrids.
"A Love Worth Biting For" let you hear from Amber.
In "Love's a Witch" you get two sides of the story as Mary and Craig get to tell you all.
Here's the cover!
I sent in my final notes and to celebrate I wanted to show off the cover for the next installment of the Hart Clan Hybrids.
"A Love Worth Biting For" let you hear from Amber.
In "Love's a Witch" you get two sides of the story as Mary and Craig get to tell you all.
Here's the cover!
Friday, February 28, 2014
Edits...oh, all-consuming, soul-destroying...thing.
There are some times when re-reading your own work is a pleasure, and you can't wait to take apart the pieces and let them fall into place.
Yeah. So that didn't happen this time.
I got lost for the last month in a haze of winter storms that kept me locked in my house, flu that kept me stuck in bed, and edits that had me pulling my hair out by the roots.
The words...all the angry red words!!!
Anyway, it took a lot out of me this round.
I am putting the finishing touches on "Love's A Witch". This is the second book in the Hart Clan Hybrids series and I am onto the last round of edits before I get that final glorious copy in my hands.
This book, just like book one, is in first person point of view. The voices in my head like to talk that way, so that tends to be the way I write. Mary and Craig are both telling their stories this time, and they were a lot more stubborn than Amber was. Yes, it's possible.
By the end of all the work, though, Mary found her voice. Craig got frustrated enough to follow along and do what I told him to. I am so happy with where the book and the trilogy has gone so far, and I am so excited to share this book with you. As soon as I have the official release date, I will let you all know.
1. I have been working like a crazy person on a special blog project. My favorite books all have humor prevalent in their pages. So I started with Mary Hughes and Jodi Redford. I couldn't be more excited to launch the blog tomorrow. (follow @LustWithALaugh on twitter for updates)
2. I am excited to take part in a Facebook party with Mary Hughes on March 5th. Her latest book Downbeat is the main attraction and it deserves to be. I loved this book. And I will be giving away a copy of A Love Worth Biting For and an Amazon or Samhain Publishing gift card to whoever comes to play with me. I'll even have a couple quotes from the next Hart Clan Hybrids book, Love's A Witch. ;p
3. I am getting my next projects in order, and getting ready to go to the Romantic Times Convention in May. My publisher has some FANTASTIC things coming your way if you plan to party in New Orleans with us. I will have swag from various authors, and other industry peeps. So make sure if you see me running around, you stop and ask what I have left. I will also have some special author cards that Samhain is printing up for me that I can sign to you personally. I only have 50, so ask early if you want one.
4. I joined Pinterest! I will be posting some of my favorite things at the Downbeat release party, but you can snoop around the pictures I love HERE.
Now...I need to get to work on editing two more projects to submit, BUT...if I do any more editing I might cause an alcohol and coffee shortage in the US.
I think I'll write about robosex instead. ;p
Yeah. So that didn't happen this time.
I got lost for the last month in a haze of winter storms that kept me locked in my house, flu that kept me stuck in bed, and edits that had me pulling my hair out by the roots.
The words...all the angry red words!!!
Anyway, it took a lot out of me this round.
I am putting the finishing touches on "Love's A Witch". This is the second book in the Hart Clan Hybrids series and I am onto the last round of edits before I get that final glorious copy in my hands.
This book, just like book one, is in first person point of view. The voices in my head like to talk that way, so that tends to be the way I write. Mary and Craig are both telling their stories this time, and they were a lot more stubborn than Amber was. Yes, it's possible.
By the end of all the work, though, Mary found her voice. Craig got frustrated enough to follow along and do what I told him to. I am so happy with where the book and the trilogy has gone so far, and I am so excited to share this book with you. As soon as I have the official release date, I will let you all know.
1. I have been working like a crazy person on a special blog project. My favorite books all have humor prevalent in their pages. So I started with Mary Hughes and Jodi Redford. I couldn't be more excited to launch the blog tomorrow. (follow @LustWithALaugh on twitter for updates)
2. I am excited to take part in a Facebook party with Mary Hughes on March 5th. Her latest book Downbeat is the main attraction and it deserves to be. I loved this book. And I will be giving away a copy of A Love Worth Biting For and an Amazon or Samhain Publishing gift card to whoever comes to play with me. I'll even have a couple quotes from the next Hart Clan Hybrids book, Love's A Witch. ;p
3. I am getting my next projects in order, and getting ready to go to the Romantic Times Convention in May. My publisher has some FANTASTIC things coming your way if you plan to party in New Orleans with us. I will have swag from various authors, and other industry peeps. So make sure if you see me running around, you stop and ask what I have left. I will also have some special author cards that Samhain is printing up for me that I can sign to you personally. I only have 50, so ask early if you want one.
4. I joined Pinterest! I will be posting some of my favorite things at the Downbeat release party, but you can snoop around the pictures I love HERE.
Now...I need to get to work on editing two more projects to submit, BUT...if I do any more editing I might cause an alcohol and coffee shortage in the US.
I think I'll write about robosex instead. ;p
Saturday, January 18, 2014
My New Years Resolutions...AKA The Author Diet
Happy New Year!
I love the new year tradition of making resolutions. The idea of a fresh start means a lot to me. Sure we could do this anytime, but there is something special about rolling over to an entire new year. If only I could remember to write 2014 on my checks.
The vast majority of people are vowing to a healthier year. Lose weight, eat right, exercise know, all those really unfun things. People say you get endorphins from exercise. All I seem to get are cramps.
Instead of the classic chocolate deprivation diet, this year I have decided I am going on what I'm calling my "Author Diet". I am going to cut out some of the garbage work, and start writing healthier.
I am separating each part into my healthy steps. Making myself a priority and developing a stronger writing life...that's my New Year's resolution.
Roxy's Writing Diet 1.0
1. "Grocery Shopping" Acquire Office Time and Space = To say I have a chaotic home life is a gross understatement. I am going to carve out one hour a week to enter receipts and generally organize my business life, and I am going to make sure to get out of the house at least once a week to write. I do need an office space, so I am going to buy supplies to give myself a portable office. Yay, shopping!
2. "Diet Plan" Cut Down on My Alter Egos = I entered this wonderful world of romance under a different name. Between the "real" me, the "reader" me, and the "author" me...I don't have enough space in my brain for that many sides of myself. One of them has to go. Hubby has told me I can't ditch the "real" me. Damn. So, that leaves the "reader". I learned a long time ago, that even if I have good intentions reality tends to smack me upside the head. This year, I am going to delete some of the online accounts and social media that I can't keep up with. I am going to keep what works for me and cut out the fat.
3. "Exercise" Publish 2 Books in 2014 = There are a lot of ladies I know who can whip out 5-10 novels a year. I am not there yet. I want to get two books out to my readers this year. And one is already in progress! Love's a Witch is under contract with Samhain Publishing. I will post release date info as soon as it hits my inbox. But whether it be with Samhain, another pub, or dipping my toe in self-pub, I want to get two manuscripts into the world by Xmas 2014.
4. "Inspiration" Fill My Mental Bucket Each Month = I want to give myself a monthly goal. I will start each month with a project. Things I want to read. Things I want to do. Places I want to go. I have a couple of story ideas in rough outline, that I need to do some research on. Those are going to be where my muse can go play. Any checklist addict knows that accomplishing smaller goals can be a great motivator for knocking out the bigger ones. Even if I plan a reward for accomplishing my dreaded editing work, I want to do something that gets me moving forward.
So that's my plan. I stretching my mental muscles and marathoning through this year to make great things happen.
Anyone else going on a diet?
I love the new year tradition of making resolutions. The idea of a fresh start means a lot to me. Sure we could do this anytime, but there is something special about rolling over to an entire new year. If only I could remember to write 2014 on my checks.
The vast majority of people are vowing to a healthier year. Lose weight, eat right, exercise know, all those really unfun things. People say you get endorphins from exercise. All I seem to get are cramps.
Instead of the classic chocolate deprivation diet, this year I have decided I am going on what I'm calling my "Author Diet". I am going to cut out some of the garbage work, and start writing healthier.
I am separating each part into my healthy steps. Making myself a priority and developing a stronger writing life...that's my New Year's resolution.
Roxy's Writing Diet 1.0
1. "Grocery Shopping" Acquire Office Time and Space = To say I have a chaotic home life is a gross understatement. I am going to carve out one hour a week to enter receipts and generally organize my business life, and I am going to make sure to get out of the house at least once a week to write. I do need an office space, so I am going to buy supplies to give myself a portable office. Yay, shopping!
2. "Diet Plan" Cut Down on My Alter Egos = I entered this wonderful world of romance under a different name. Between the "real" me, the "reader" me, and the "author" me...I don't have enough space in my brain for that many sides of myself. One of them has to go. Hubby has told me I can't ditch the "real" me. Damn. So, that leaves the "reader". I learned a long time ago, that even if I have good intentions reality tends to smack me upside the head. This year, I am going to delete some of the online accounts and social media that I can't keep up with. I am going to keep what works for me and cut out the fat.
3. "Exercise" Publish 2 Books in 2014 = There are a lot of ladies I know who can whip out 5-10 novels a year. I am not there yet. I want to get two books out to my readers this year. And one is already in progress! Love's a Witch is under contract with Samhain Publishing. I will post release date info as soon as it hits my inbox. But whether it be with Samhain, another pub, or dipping my toe in self-pub, I want to get two manuscripts into the world by Xmas 2014.
4. "Inspiration" Fill My Mental Bucket Each Month = I want to give myself a monthly goal. I will start each month with a project. Things I want to read. Things I want to do. Places I want to go. I have a couple of story ideas in rough outline, that I need to do some research on. Those are going to be where my muse can go play. Any checklist addict knows that accomplishing smaller goals can be a great motivator for knocking out the bigger ones. Even if I plan a reward for accomplishing my dreaded editing work, I want to do something that gets me moving forward.
So that's my plan. I stretching my mental muscles and marathoning through this year to make great things happen.
Anyone else going on a diet?
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