Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year, New Goals

Well, I kind of disappeared for a few months, didn't I?  The holidays do that to me.  I lose track of myself and work so hard to get things done for everyone else.

I got a fabulous present this year in my stocking.  I have my registration for the RT Convention paid for!  I have been to a couple conventions as a reader, but this time I registered as an aspiring author.  I have a few cards and a few goodies to give to people I have met and who have supported me in my efforts to move from "aspiring" to "published".

I also don't want to take advantage of this gift.  So one of my goals for this year is to submit two different manuscripts before attending the conference.  Maybe I can drop the "aspiring" part of my registration. ;p

I didn't post any New Year's Resolutions yet, because I have been doing some real soul-searching about what is feasible, what I want, and what I am willing to give up to get there.

So here goes.  I am putting down my goals for the year.  You are all going to hold me accountable right?  Keep me in line?  Crack the whip?  I need a little help with that.

1. Finish writing and editing my PNR trilogy.
 I have stalled on book three.  It is going to be significantly longer than the first two.  I have my ending.   I just need to finish the journey my heroine takes to get there.

2. Start a writing spreadsheet.  Keep accountable and write at least 5k new words per week.
I have a heavy work load two days out of the week, but the other five days there is no reason I can't get a thousand words down.  I need to get into this habit.

3. Read one book on the writing craft every month. 

A present from a great friend made me realize I have a quite a few books that I have been meaning to read. I have a lot of valuable information at my fingertips.  Time to pick them up.

4. Come out of the Erotica closet with my immediate family.
My family knows I am writing.  They don't know the heat level.  With my stories getting ready to go public, I need to come clean about this aspect. I am not ashamed of what I write.  And if I am honest with myself, I have always been a bit of a black sheep.  I am proud of how sexually free and fun my characters are.  They have no regrets about themselves, so I should have no regrets about writing them.

5. Find a way to pay it forward.
The main reason I began this journey was due to my friends and loved ones.  I have some incredibly supportive people who believed in me when I wasn't so sure I believed in myself.  I want to find a way to show them appreciation and create that same amazing feeling in someone new.

I am not a twenty-something who knew what she wanted to be right away.  I am just a woman who is discovering who she is, and who she was meant to become.  I am trying to enjoy the journey, and hope to make steps towards "me".  I use a pen name, not because I am hiding, but because I am reinventing myself.  There is more truth in who we create ourselves to be, than in who others have tried to mold us into.  For the first time in as long as I can remember, I am working towards my goals, and not someone else's expectations.

Do you have any goals you are working towards?  Anything you want to accomplish?  Post them here, or post them where you can see them.  Let's hold each other accountable.  Or at least hold hands when the reality gets a bit scary. :)

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