After I picked myself up off the floor from falling out of my chair laughing, I tell them in no uncertain terms, that I'm not.
I DID, however, find a new planning style that seems to work for me. I've started using a technique developed by Ryder Carroll called "Bullet Journal". If you've seen me chatting about it, it's because I really can't shut up about how life-changing this has been for me.
The technique is using a basic journal and taking time every morning (or night before) and writing down everything you have to do.
Yes. I'm aware this sounds like a basic to-do list. But if you number your pages, use an index, and keep all of your to-do lists, all of your brainstorming sessions, all of your bills that need paid...if you keep it all in one book... Now that was an idea I could get behind.
I am a gal who adores technology. My phone is a shiny new toy, and I sure jumped on the e-reader bandwagon with gusto. BUT...there is something powerful about putting what you have to accomplish in writing.

I have to look at those boxes sitting unchecked. Something about those poor empty squares pulls me off the couch and forces me to turn off Netflix. (Even though I desperately want to bingewatch ALL of Daredevil.)

Now...I flip to the next blank page, make a note in my index, and go! I find this system freeing in its simplicity, and inspiring in its ability to be adapted to exactly what I need at any given moment.
So that's my not-so-secret secret to how I give the illusion to the world that I have a handle on things. The technique is simple and not overwhelming and I am so in love with it, that I had to share. I've kept up with my little notebook for closing in on six months now, and I can't even imagine going back.
What do you do to keep yourself organized?
I'll make sure to keep a list of your suggestions in my bullet journal. :D