Happy New Year!
I love the new year tradition of making resolutions. The idea of a fresh start means a lot to me. Sure we could do this anytime, but there is something special about rolling over to an entire new year. If only I could remember to write 2014 on my checks.
The vast majority of people are vowing to a healthier year. Lose weight, eat right, exercise more...you know, all those really unfun things. People say you get endorphins from exercise. All I seem to get are cramps.
Instead of the classic chocolate deprivation diet, this year I have decided I am going on what I'm calling my "Author Diet". I am going to cut out some of the garbage work, and start writing healthier.
I am separating each part into my healthy steps. Making myself a priority and developing a stronger writing life...that's my New Year's resolution.
Roxy's Writing Diet 1.0
1. "Grocery Shopping" Acquire Office Time and Space = To say I have a chaotic home life is a gross understatement. I am going to carve out one hour a week to enter receipts and generally organize my business life, and I am going to make sure to get out of the house at least once a week to write. I do need an office space, so I am going to buy supplies to give myself a portable office. Yay, shopping!
2. "Diet Plan" Cut Down on My Alter Egos = I entered this wonderful world of romance under a different name. Between the "real" me, the "reader" me, and the "author" me...I don't have enough space in my brain for that many sides of myself. One of them has to go. Hubby has told me I can't ditch the "real" me. Damn. So, that leaves the "reader". I learned a long time ago, that even if I have good intentions reality tends to smack me upside the head. This year, I am going to delete some of the online accounts and social media that I can't keep up with. I am going to keep what works for me and cut out the fat.
3. "Exercise" Publish 2 Books in 2014 = There are a lot of ladies I know who can whip out 5-10 novels a year. I am not there yet. I want to get two books out to my readers this year. And one is already in progress! Love's a Witch is under contract with Samhain Publishing. I will post release date info as soon as it hits my inbox. But whether it be with Samhain, another pub, or dipping my toe in self-pub, I want to get two manuscripts into the world by Xmas 2014.
4. "Inspiration" Fill My Mental Bucket Each Month = I want to give myself a monthly goal. I will start each month with a project. Things I want to read. Things I want to do. Places I want to go. I have a couple of story ideas in rough outline, that I need to do some research on. Those are going to be where my muse can go play. Any checklist addict knows that accomplishing smaller goals can be a great motivator for knocking out the bigger ones. Even if I plan a reward for accomplishing my dreaded editing work, I want to do something that gets me moving forward.
So that's my plan. I stretching my mental muscles and marathoning through this year to make great things happen.
Anyone else going on a diet?